Apr 18 - Oregon Bag Bill Needs One More Vote In Senate

Around the world, entire countries have banned or restricted using the ubiquitous and environmentally harmful plastic bag, but in the United States the race for the first statewide bag ban is still wide open.

Last year, California came close with AB 1998 (Brownley). This year, Oregon appears to be in the lead with SB 536, a plastic bag ban and 5 cent minimum price requirement on paper bags.

Bag ban advocates are hopeful for the outlook of SB 536, especially with its bipartisan and industry support, but the clock is ticking. The bill needs one more vote to pass in the Oregon State Senate, and the last day to move a bill to the Senate floor is this Thursday.

Read more about SB 536 here, and listen to an NPR clip here.

Oregon residents, you can help make history. Take action and write to State Senators asking them to support the bill here.

Not from Oregon? Please pass this information along to friends and family in Oregon, and see what CAW is doing to fight plastic bag pollution in California here.

Lanh Nguyen