Apr 19 - Covered Electronic Waste Recycling Program Holds Stakeholder Meeting

Representatives from CalRecycle, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, and other stakeholder groups met today in downtown Sacramento for an electronic waste workshop. Topics covered during the workshop include updates on the Covered Electronic Waste (CEW) program, regulatory priority setting, and the cathode ray tube (CRT) glass recycling market.

The workshop also discussed related legislation on e-waste, such as AB 960 (Lowenthal), a CAW-sponsored bill that requires e-waste recyclers to conform their export practices in order to receive existing recycling payments under California’s e-waste law. This bill will help the material extraction and reuse market.

See the workshop agenda here (scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Agenda" under the Documents section). Participants can also listen in and participate via audio conference or watch the live broadcast of the workshop.

Lanh Nguyen