Mar 14 - Recycling Exposition Focuses on Business, Recycling in Stockton

The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce and the Green Team San Joaquin is hosting a Recycling Exposition today in Stockton, to explore solutions and common sense approaches to optimizing the Green Economy.

Improving the regional environment, in terms of cleaning the air and water as well as strengthening the economy and job market - is the aim of REXPO 8 Unplugged.

California EPA Secretary Matt Rodriquez will give the keynote luncheon talk, and state Assemblywoman Kristen Olsen, an Assembly Member from Modesto, is the day's opening speaker. CAW staff is also present at the REXPO.

According to Frank Ferral, public policy director for the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, the event's "unplugged" theme suggests two ideas. First, unplugging electrical equipments improves energy efficiency. Second, discontinue the shipping of recyclables overseas and encourage manufacturing of recycled materials domestically.

"Recycling and manufacturing in-state would not only generate jobs, they would help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions generated in transporting the materials out of state," Ferral said. "Let's put those incentives in place to keep it in California instead of exporting it out of state along with our jobs, our tax base and our commerce."

REXPO 8 Unplugged will run from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hilton Stockton, at 2323 Grand Canal Blvd.

Lanh Nguyen