May 22 - HuffPost: Stop Bogging Down Bag Bill

Add another voice to the cry that keeps getting louder: Ban the Bag in California. Environmental Attorney Lisa Kaas Boyle’s post in today's Huffington Post enumerated the many reasons why single-use plastic bags are a detriment to California’s economy and environment.

The costs to taxpayers:

• over $100 million each year in clean up costs;
• over $40 per year per family in additional grocery bill costs.

The costs to the environment:

• 663 species of wildlife endangered through ingestion or entanglement.

The 75 communities that have banned single-use plastic grocery bags are already seeing the results in reduced plastic bag pollution. LA County has seen a 94% reduction in single use bags since their ordinance was implemented. San Jose has seen 89% less plastic bag litter in storm drains, 60% less in creeks and 60% less in streets.

It’s time to Ban the Bag in California!

If you haven’t yet signed the petition supporting SB 405 (Padilla), please take the time to do so now.

You can also forward the petition to 5 friends on Facebook.

Lanh Nguyen