Nov 7 - San Francisco Seeks to Ban Polystyrene
There may be no more polystyrene in San Francisco, according to Charlie Goodyear of the San Francisco Chronicle. Legislation to ban use of the material by June 1, 2007 was passed Monday in a Board of Supervisors committee. The legislation had received support even from the city's restaurant industry. Similar bans have already been enforced in other cities in the state.
UPDATE: "Supervisors ban plastic foam to-go boxes." San Francisco Chronicle. November 15, 2006.
Plastic waste continues to be an enormous problem in our landfills and a huge bane on nature, particularly the world's oceans and waterways. Read more about plastic issues.
What You Can Do:
- Living in the city? Contact your supervisor and show your support on the issue.
- Learn how you can avoid getting stuck with toxic plastic next time you're out with CAW's Living Green.