Nov 8 - Nevada Governor Wants to Eliminate Landfilling
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons announced that he would like the state of Nevada to move away from landfilling in favor of increased recycling and waste-to-energy.
According to Waste and Recycling News:
Gibbons, in announcing what he called a "major initiative" Nov. 6, said he plans to propose legislation that would reward the waste industry for superior performance in recycling and energy recovery. The measure also will include various incentives, including tax abatements, to encourage businesses to locate in Nevada and use recycled materials in their operations. He also plans to develop plans for offering low-cost financing to help businesses build waste recovery facilities.
Gibbons said current recycling and renewable energy technology should allow solid waste companies to divert at least 75% of the waste that currently ends up in Nevada landfills. He cited San Jose, Calif., which boasts a high diversion rate, as a role model for Nevada.
This announcement comes in the wake of recent controversies about expanding landfills in Nevada to handle waste generated in California.