Jun 14 - U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Producer Responsibility Resolution

According to Product Policy Institute (PPI) Press Release, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) joined the National League of Cities and National Association of Counties in adopting a resolution calling for state and federal producer responsibility legislation that shifts the costs of managing problematic product and packaging waste away from taxpayers and local governments to producers and the consumers of their products.

The USCM resolution, adopted at their 78th annual meeting in Oklahoma City on June 14th, is based on a model developed by PPI. In California, 96 local jurisdictions and local government associations have already adopted the resolution, as well as by jurisdictions in New York, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas. In California, the list of signers include Christopher Cabaldon, West Sacramento Mayor and Kevin Johnson, Sacramento Mayor.

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Lanh Nguyen