Oct 8 - Prop 26 a Trojan Horse?


Research done by Kersten Communications indicates that Prop. 26 may be a Trojan horse that would likely prevent additional funding of the landmark AB 32 greenhouse gas reduction measure, but could also affect funding for the implementation of state level health care reform legislation.

Prop. 26 risks undermining the implementation and enforcement of CA’s landmark clean energy and clean air laws by requiring a 2/3 vote on all legislation which seeks to clean-up and improve the implementation of AB 32. Republicans largely oppose AB 32 and are highly unlikely to vote for any legislation to fund the program.

Several analyses of Prop. 26 have pointed out that it is difficult to assess what fees are affected - the only thing that is certain is that Prop 26, if passed, will result in a wave of costly litigation.

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Lanh Nguyen