Nov 24 - Greening Your Black Friday

Californians Against Waste would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Here are some tips to reducing your impacts this holiday season:

  • Purchase green sustainable products - look for high-quality items with high post-consumer content, less packaging, and made locally if possible.
  • Consider the end-of-life disposal option for the product - is the item recyclable? Safe for disposal? Does the product manufacturer or a retailer offer take back of their items?
  • For electronics, take a look at Greenpeace or Electronics Take Back Coalition's 'report card' on sustainable electronic product
  • Donate a gift to Oxfam - shoppers can give meaningful gifts to everyone on their list, in the form of a practical donation to someone in need. Options range from farm animals like chickens, or a sheep—to daily essentials like soap, an efficient cooking stove, or a blanket.
  • Shop at the thrift stores
  • Purchase a service or an activity as a gift instead of material goods - such as ice skating, movie tickets, or a massage.
Lanh Nguyen