Dec 2 - Groups Call New Green Chemistry Proposal Schwarzenegger’s Toxic Legacy

There will be a press conference today to oppose the new Green Chemistry "Safer Consumer Product Alternatives".

In 2008, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed two bills into law that created the Green Chemistry Initiative: one directing state agencies to develop a process for identifying potentially harmful chemicals so that Californians could be protected and the state could promote the development of safer alternatives, and a companion bill creating an online database of information about the toxicity of chemicals.

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) have been drafting the Green Chemistry regulations over the last two years. There have been many stakeholders meetings and hundreds of comments were sent in. However, the most recently released draft regulations were drastically gutted and sent out for an illegal 15-day comment period right before Thanksgiving week. The new regulations completely ignores two years of public input while caving to backroom industry lobbying.

The revised regulation would fail to remove toxic products from stores, creates paralysis by analysis, and encourages regrettable chemical and product substitutions.

WHAT: Press conference to oppose Green Chemistry "Safer Consumer
Product Alternatives"
WHERE: California State Capitol, Sacramento. Room 125.
WHEN: Thursday, December 2, 2010. 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Read the press release.

Lanh Nguyen