Aug 15 - LA Times Endorses Banning Foam Food Containers


Today's editorial in the Los Angeles Times indicates hearty approval of SB 568, a statewide bill that would phase out expanded polystyrene (eps) containers as early as 2016.

The bill is up for a vote this week in Assembly Appropriations. Take action by contacting the Appropriations committee members in support (contact information here) or send in a support letter to your Assembly Member by clicking here.

The editorial outlines the environmental hazards of eps, which degrades water quality when it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces, and is difficult to recycle for a variety of reasons. The article further urges the Los Angeles City Council to provide key support of the bill to move it forward.

Still have some concerns that the bill might be a job killer? According to the article, "There are already more jobs in California for the manufacture of alternative food containers...than for foam containers."

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Lanh Nguyen