Sept 8 - 2,000 More Signatures Needed--Take a Stand Against Plastic Industry Bullying


ChicoBag, a reusable bag company headquartered in California, was recently sued by three plastic bag manufacturing giants for claims on the ChicoBag website that allegedly caused their businesses "irreparable harm".

These preposterous claims were filed in a lawsuit in South Carolina, a state that does not protect against SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) lawsuits. Find out more on the ChicoBag website.

If you haven't already done so, please sign the online petition in support of ChicoBag and others who have been wrongfully sued by the Plastic Industry as a delay and scare tactic. The petition is currently just 2,000 signatures short of reaching a 25,000 goal! See the petition here.

Visit our website to learn more about plastic bag pollution and our Campaign to End Single Use Plastic Bags.

Lanh Nguyen