Apr 4 - LA City Commission Discusses Bag Ban Today


The LA City Council's Energy and Environment Commission will focus on the issue of plastic bags this afternoon at 2pm.

You can listen to the meeting online or support the ordinance in person in Room 1010 of City Hall (200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA).

Late last year the Commission supported a 2008 resolution to ban plastic bags in the City of LA.

But before making a formal decision on the issue, the Commission requested two reports on the fiscal impacts and outreach plans for the ordinance. These reports have been submitted and the findings will be discussed this afternoon. Download and read the reports here.

The City Administrative Officer's report recommended a plastic bag ban combined with a 10 cent charge on recyclable, 40 percent post-consumer paper bags, citing "reasons of consumer choice and necessity."

Read more in an LA Times editorial.

Take action on the LA City bag ban and others.

Lanh Nguyen