Apr 19 - Bill to Protect Against Seinfield-like Bottle Scams


Bloomberg Businessweek highlighted that a Seinfield reference was made in a bill analysis on AB 1933, a bill that would require anyone who imports bulk amounts of recyclable containers into California to report where they came from. In the 1996 "Seinfeld" episode, Kramer and Newman hatched a plan to drive a truckload of cans and bottles to Michigan, because the redemption fee there was 10 cents, double New York's nickel deposit.

"If I could, I would name it the Newman-Kramer Deterrence Act of 2012," Gordon said in a telephone interview. "I’m not sure, candidly, that that was my initial intent. I was just kind of having fun and it was a good laugh in the office. But if it does bring some attention to what is an issue, hey, great."

AB 1933 (Gordon), a CAW-sponsored bill, would reduce fraud from recyclers attempting to import and redeem beverage containers in CA. It is illegal to redeem out-of-state beverages in California, and bordering states already have their own recycling stations, so there is no legitimate reason why people would transport truckloads of beverage containers.

Support for the bill has been strong. AB 1933 passed its first policy and fiscal committee unanimously.

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Lanh Nguyen