Apr 19 - Ukiah One Step Away From Bag Ban


Yesterday evening, the Ukiah City Council unanimously moved forward with a proposed plastic bag ban.

The formal adoption is scheduled for May 2. Once adopted, this would be the first bag ban in Mendocino County, although the County and the City of Fort Bragg are scheduled to vote on their own bag bans as well within the next month.

The ordinance bans plastic bags and requires a 10 cent charge on paper bags in all retail stores. The Ukiah ordinance would first go into effect in larger stores six months after adoption before expanding to all other stores.

Restaurants are currently not included, but according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, the City will add restaurants under the ban if the court rules in favor of San Francisco in a pending lawsuit on that issue.

Read the Press Democrat article.

Take action on local bag bans.

Lanh Nguyen