July 5 - Over 156,000 Signatures Collected Against Illinois Plastic Bag Bill


Illinois’ plastic bag recycling bill may not make it out of the Governor’s office if twelve-year-old Abby Goldberg has anything to say about it.

The Plastic Bag and Film Recycle Act appears to promote recycling and sustainability, but environmentalists are not happy about the bill’s limitations on local government bag bans. If passed, the bill takes away the power to regulate bags and gives it solely to the state.

Among those environmentalists fighting the bill is Abby, whose school project was an online petition to veto the bill. The petition had over 154,000 signatures when it was presented to the Governor on July 3rd. Governor Quinn gave no final word on what his decision will be, but did say that he will "stand up for the environment."

Join forces with Abby by writing to Governor Quinn’s office directly!

Sign Abby's petition on Change.org

Read more about how this school project turned into an online phenomenon

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Lanh Nguyen