Oct 3 - Morgan Hill Adopts Bag and Foam Foodware Bans

In a very productive council meeting last night, the Morgan Hill City Council efficiently adopted two ordinances, one on carryout bags and the other addressing takeout food packaging, to reduce single-use plastic pollution.

The staff presentations noted the impacts of plastic pollution, including the fact that plastic foam and bag litter commonly found in stormdrains and streets are costly to clean up.

After questions and discussion, the Council waived the first and second reading, introduced, and then unanimously adopted a carryout bag ordinance that bans single-use carryout plastic bags in stores and allows paper bags for an initial ten cents each.

Shortly afterward, the Council went through a similar process and adopted a foodware ordinance that bans expanded polystyrene foam takeout containers in restaurants.

Both ordinances go into effect next Earth Day, April 22, 2014.



Lanh Nguyen