Oct 3 - Governor Signs Tire Recycling Bill

AB 513, Assembly Member Frazier’s Rubberized Asphalt Concrete bill, was signed by the Governor today.

California still landfills or burns approximately 13.8 million out of the 40.8 million tires generated each year and exports an additional 9.6 million. While there are many uses for scrap tires, RAC continues to be one of the highest and best uses for them.

Using recycled tires in RAC projects not only recycles the tires, but also produces roads that are quieter, function better under wet and icy conditions, and last longer. The use of Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) also reduces long term paving and repaving costs.

The bill, which was sponsored by CAW, would have originally created a new and expanded RAC program and funded it at a rate of $10 million/year. The "ongoing appropriation" that was in the bill was removed in Senate Appropriations, so AB 513 sets up a program that will need to be funded through the budget process.

If the money is successfully funded in the budget, the program will still go into effect on July 1.

Photo credit: Cal EPA

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Lanh Nguyen