Oct 17 - Cleanups Show Plastic Bags, Food Containers Still in Top 10 List

The Ocean Conservancy released data from last year's International Coastal Cleanup, and single-use plastic items, including plastic bags and food containers, continue to dominate the list of top ten items found.

Of the top ten, only the two lowest items, numbers nine and ten (soda cans and paper bags respectively), were not made of plastic. Cigarette butts continue to be the number one item found.

Food wrappers and containers, which were fifth in last year's report, moved up to be the second most commonly found item, followed by plastic bottles. Plastic bags stayed at the number four spot. Find out more and download the results on the Ocean Conservancy website.

More than half a billion volunteers cleaned up nearly 18,000 miles during the annual event, which raises awareness of the impacts that our throwaway society has on the environment.

Learn more about our work to reduce single-use plastic pollution.

Lanh Nguyen