Oct 16 - Coachella Valley Considering Regional Approach To Bag Ban

The Coachella Valley Association of Governments is considering developing a model plastic bag ordinance that may then be adopted by cities in the region, according to The Desert Sun.

CVAG could finalize a model ordinance as early as next month before it goes on to city councils. The ordinance is likely to look similar to those drafted in Palm Springs and Palm Desert that would outlaw plastic shopping bags and require retailers to charge at least 10 cents for a paper bag.

The same approach was undertaken by San Mateo County, which developed a model ordinance that was adopted by many of the 24 cities in the county.

Plastic pollution continues to cost Californian taxpayers millions each year in clean up costs to keep plastic out of the ocean, where it poses a deadly threat marine wildlife. New studies are showing that freshwater species in lakes are also at risk. When plastic enters the environment it doesn’t degrade--it simply breaks into smaller and smaller pieces. And recycling hasn’t proven an effective remedy. Single-use plastic bags are a problem product and source reduction is the best solution.

Find out more about the problems caused by plastic bag pollution.

Photo credit: Jay Calderon, The Desert Sun.

Lanh Nguyen