Apr 9 - #ADayWithoutWaste

A campaign by Global Citizen and Ekocycle targets wasteful consumer habits, like getting disposable bags when you shop, ordering meals to-go and coffee served in single-use cups.

Titled A Day Without Waste, the campaign encourages the public to share how they reduce waste on social media. As an incentive, citizens can earn points for concert tickets.

According to US EPA, the average American generates 4.38 pounds of trash per day, and only 34% of that waste gets recycled or composted.

Can you go A Day Without Waste?

At CAW, we're working on banning single-use grocery plastic bags and encouraging consumers to bring reusuable bags with SB 270 (Padilla, de Leon and Lara). Learn more about the bill.

photo credit: Global Citizen

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Lanh Nguyen