Aug 7- Microbeads in Toothpaste Threaten Environment and Gum Health

Recent articles find that Plastic microbeads are not only a harmful environmental pollutant, but also a human health risk.

Plastic microbeads used in popular toothpaste brands, commonly get lodged into gum tissue, causing a plethora of dental problems. Beverly Hills Dentist Kyle Stanley says, "The build up of microbeads in patients' gums has been increasingly apparent. This is very concerning, because any foregin object lodged in the gumline can lead to gingival inflammation and lead to infection, gingivitis, or periodontal disease." More and more dentists are noticing this trend, as they remove microbeads from patients' gum lines. Even worse, this problem is entirely avoidable. Dr. Matthew Nejad comments, "it is clear that microbeads are unnecessary for an effective toothpaste product." Industry statements confirm this claim, such as Proctor and Gamble explaining how microbeads were simply used "to give color" to their popular toothpastes.

With such high risks for human health and the environment, and a very slim functional purpose, why are microbeads still in the picture?

Learn about AB 1699- the state bill to phase out microbeads in personal care products.



Lanh Nguyen