SB 931 (Florez, 2005-06) Pollution Control Financing - Support

This measure would restrict new and expanded large scale dairies from receiving taxpayer subsidized financing through the Pollution Control Financing Authority unless they can
demonstrate that the facilities can achieve an actual reduction in pollution. 

Status. AB 931 failed passage on reconsideration on the Assembly Floor in September 2006.

SB 931 prohibits large scale confined animal feeding operations from being eligible for tax exempt financing from the state's Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) unless the applicant can demonstrate that the project will meet or exceed the requirements of environmental pollution control laws.

Large scale confined animal feeding operations are known sources of significant air and water pollution. The industry is trending toward larger, consolidated facilities, which have a disproportionate impact on the local environment. SB 931 does nothing to try to block establishment of these facilities. Instead it simply denies them access to low cost/publicly subsidized financing. The purpose of the CPCFA's low-cost financing is to encourage and support industrial technologies that utilize best practices to reduce pollution.

Current Action.

Californians Against Waste
State Treasurer Phil Angelides
Sierra Club California


Current Language, Analyses and votes.

Mar 3, 2006: State Treasurer Angelides, Senator Florez and Environmental Leaders...