SB 899 (Simitian, 2007-08) Derelict Fishing Gear

Aims to reduce the littering of and aid in the recovery of derelict fishing gear.

Position and Status. 
CAW Supports. SB 899 was vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger Sep 30. Previously, the bill passed off the Senate floor August 21 with a 27-9 vote, passed out of Sen NRW August 20 with a 6-1 vote, passed off the Assembly floor August 13 with a 53-23 vote, passed out of Assembly Appropriations Aug 7, and passed out of Asm. Water Parks and Wild., June 24 with a 10-2 vote.

Would require that, after 2011, commercial fishing operations   report lost fishing gear to the Department of Fish and Game. After 2011, all commercial fishing gear would be required to be coded with the identification of the owner.  After 2012, the Department of Fish and Game would be required to establish targets for the reduction of derelict fishing gear.

CAW Staff Contact.
 Sue Vang(916) 443-5422

Current Actions.

No current actions for this bill.

Senator Joe Simitian 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814



Heal the Bay (Sponsor)
Californians Against Waste


Current Language, Analyses and votes.