SB 898 (Simitian, 2007-08) Solid Waste Clean-Up

Would have required the CIWMB to authorize several solutions to marine debris, including expending funds to abate illegal disposal sites, prevent waste going into storm drains, and assigning a plastics resin code to biodegradable plastics.

Position and Status. 
CAW Supported. SB 898 was gutted and amended by the Assembly Approprations Committee to carry a bill no longer pertaining to this issue on Aug 30, 2007.

Addressed some of the most pressing causes of marine debris, as well as addressed components of the 2007 February California Ocean Protection Council Resolution, by authorizing CIWMB to expend funds to abate illegal disposal sites and the prevention of waste into storm drains, making PLA biodegradable plastics more easily identified by assigning them a "0" plastics resin code, and by authorizing the CIWMB to coordinate with state agencies in order to aid in the removal of derelict fishing gear.

CAW Staff Contact.
Mark Murray (916) 443-5422

Current Actions.

This bill has been gutted and amended by committee. If you would like to express your support for a future version of this bill, write the author:

Senator Joe Simitian 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814



Californians Against Waste
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO
Ballona Creek Renaissance
Breast Cancer Fund
California Coastkeeper Alliance
Defenders of Wildlife
Earth Resource Foundation
Earth Share California
Ocean Conservancy
Planning and Conservation League
San Diego Coastkeeper
Santa Monica Baykeeper
Southern California Watershed Alliance
Surfrider Foundation (Newport Beach Chapter, San Diego Chapter)


Current Language, Analyses and votes