SB 803 (DeSaulnier, 2009-10) - Plastic Packaging

Directs CIWMB to reduce the volume of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) packaging 50% beginning 2011.

Position and Status
CAW Supports. This bill died with the close of the legislative session.

Very little of the 60,000 tons of PVC packaging generated annually in California is recycled due to prohibitively high costs and lack of infrastructure and markets.  The threat of Vinyl Chloride contamination is impeding the expansion of packaging container recycling.  And PVC packaging contributes disproportionately to the state’s solid waste burden, compared to readily available and competitively priced alternatives, because there is virtually no recycling market or opportunity. SB 803 directs CIWMB to implement regulations by 2011 that would reduce the volume of polyvinyl chloride packaging by 50%.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Mark Murray and Sue Vang (916) 443-5422


Senator Mark DeSaulnier 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814


Current Language, Analyses and Votes.