SB 25 (Padilla, 2009-10) - Solid Waste Diversion

Requires the California Integrated Waste Management Board to adopt policies, programs, and incentives to increase statewide waste diversion to 75%.

Position and Status. 
CAW supports. This bill died with the close of the legislative session. It passed the Senate floor, but was not heard in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee before the legislative deadline. Previously, the bill passed the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.

In 1989, California passed AB 939, or the CA Integrated Waste Management Act, which required each city and county, to not only develop a source reduction and recycling plan, but required cities and counties to reach a 50% diversion rate by January 1, 2000. This bill would require CIWMB to adopt programs to increase statewide diversion to 75%.

CAW Staff Contact.
Mark Murray, 916-443-5422

Current Actions.
No current actions for this bill.

Senator Alex Padilla
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814

Californians Against Waste


Current Language, Analyses and Votes.