SB 1313 (Corbett, 2007-08) Perfluorocarbons in Food Packaging

Would phase out toxic perfluorocarbons from food packaging by 2010.

Position and Status
CAW Supports. SB 1313 was vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger Sep. 29. Previously, SB 1313 passed a Senate concurrence on Aug. 31 with a 21-15 vote, passed out of the Assembly Aug. 27 with a 43-30 vote, passed out of Asm. Health Jun. 25 with a 10-3 vote, passed out of Asm. ESTM Jun. 10 with a 5-2 vote, passed out of the Senate May 12 with a 22-15 vote, passed out of Sen Health Apr. 28 with a 7-2 vote and passed out of Sen EQ Apr. 7 with a 5-0 vote.


PFOA and PFOS have been found in the blood of more than 98 percent of Americans and are used in food packaging to repel grease. PFOA is a suspected human carcinogen and PFOA and PFOS may cause development harm. The US EPA has called for a voluntary phaseout of some perfluorocarbons from food packaging by 2015. This bill would ban PFOA and PFOS from food packaging starting 2010.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Sue Vang ph 916-443-5422, fx 916-443-3912

Current Actions.
No current actions for this bill.

Senator Ellen Corbett 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814



Environmental Working Group (sponsor)
Californians Against Waste
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Breast Cancer Action
Breast Cancer Fund
California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
California League for Environmental Enforcement Now
California League of Conservation Voters
California Nurses Association
Cereplast, Inc.
Children's Advocacy Institute
Clean Water Action
Environment California
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Making Our Milk Safe (MOMS)
Natural Products Association West
Natural Resources Defense Council
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California
Planned Parenthood Golden Gate
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte
Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo Counties, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of South Central Valley
Planning and Conservation League
Sierra Club California
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
United Steelworkers Union
Women's Foundation of California
Worksafe, Inc.
Zero Breast Cancer


American Chemistry Council
California Manufacturers & Technology Association
Chemical Industry Council of California
Ciba Corporation
Grocery Manufacturers Association
Hercules, Inc.
Pet Food Institute
Telomer Research Program

Current Language, Analyses and Votes.