SB 1263 (Portantino) Statewide Microplastics Strategy

Overview: A growing body of research has shown that microplastics are present in marine environments, within marine organisms, and in drinking water. The sources of these contaminants must be addressed, and SB 1263 will help the state develop a long term strategy for dealing with this pressing concern by requiring the Ocean Protection Council to create a Statewide Microplastics Strategy.

Position and Status: CAW is supporting the bill.

  • Passed the Senate Environmental Quality committee April 18, 2018

  • Passed the Senate Natural Resources and Water committee April 24th, 2018

  • Passed the Senate Appropriations committee May 25, 2018

  • Passed the Senate floor May 31, 2018

  • Passed the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife committee on June 26th, 2018

  • Passed the Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials committee June 26th, 2018

  • Passed the Assembly Appropriations committee August 15th, 2018

  • Passed Assembly floor vote August 27, 2018

  • Passed Senate Concurrence vote August 28, 2018

  • SIGNED INTO LAW! September 20, 2018

Description: SB 1263 directs the Ocean Protection Council (OPC) to develop, adopt, and implement a Statewide Microplastics Strategy. In a survey that compared 150 tap water samples from both large cities and small towns on five continents, microscopic plastic fibers were found in nearly every sample. 94% of the water samples from the United States contained plastic microfibers. Micoplastic pollution isn’t unique to just tap water, two recent studies have shown that microplastics are present in bottled water as well. One study found that 19 out of 20 bottled water brands analyzed were contaminated with microplastics. Research on the presence of anthropogenic debris in seafood being sold for human consumption in California found that 25% of individual fish and 33% of shellfish contained plastic in their guts. 

CAW Staff contact: Melissa Romero, 916-443-5422

Fact Sheet

Floor Alert 8/20/18