SB 1219 (Wolk, 2011-12) Plastic Bag Recycling

SB 1219 proposes to extend the sunset of AB 2449 (Levine) which mandates plastic bag recycling at supermarkets.

Position and Status
Governor Brown signed the bill into law on 9/19/12. It passed the Assembly on August 21 42-30. It passed out of the Senate on May 3 with a 22-13 vote and out of the Senate Environmental Quality committee on 4/16 with a 5-1 vote.

Starting in 2007, AB 2449 (Levine) mandated plastic bag recycling collection at large grocery stores throughout California. AB 2449 sunsets on January 1, 2013.

SB 1219 would extend the AB 2449 sunset to January 1, 2020. It would also remove the AB 2449 preemption of local charges on plastic bags.

CAW Staff Contacts.

Mark Murray (916) 443-5422
Sue Vang


Senator Lois Wolk 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814


Current Language, Analyses and Votes.

Additional Resources.

1 Bag at a Time
Command Packaging
Western Plastics Association
