May 8 - Shareholders Vote for Apple to Expand Current Mac Recycling Program
The shareholder proposal filed by As You Sow asking Apple Computer to report on ways to improve its computer take back system received the support of 10.3% of shareholders voting. The proposal was supported by 44 million shares worth about $3.2 billion.
Apple has agreed to free take back of old computer when a new Mac is purchased. At the April 27 shareholder meeting, CEO Steve Jobs committed the company to a higher-level dialogue with shareholder proponents to review other measures that can be taken to improve recycling and take back.
This is the highest vote a proposal on computer waste has received. Proposals filed by Calvert in 2002 at HP received 8.3% and Gateway 7.5%.
CAW is sponsoring Assembly Bill 3001 (Pavley), which will expand SB 20/50 to include all single-user personal computers. The measure would establish a $6 Advanced Recycling Fee on PCs and create approiximately $24M in state revenue for the E-Waste Recycling Program. By adding PCs to the scope of SB 20, we can target more than 100,000 additional tons illegally disposed e-waste in California annually.