May 18 â€" EU Decides on Battery Recycling Targets

The European Union has passed a Battery Directive requiring retailers to help collect spent batteries at no cost to the consumer. Once collected, battery manufacturers will have to foot the bill for recycling. The collection goals are 25% by 2012 and 45% by 2016, and the recycling goals are 75% of the weight of NiCad batteries, 65% for lead batteries and 50% the weight of other batteries. Each member state has 2 years to implement a recycling scheme to reach the targets. Complete Article

Since February of this year, California has banned the disposal of all toxic electronics, including all household batteries. Under CAW sponsored legislation passed last year, effective July 1 of this year, retailers, who sell or have sold rechargeable batteries, will be required to have a take back and recycling system in place for consumers.

However, due to opposition from battery manufacturers and retailers, CAW was unable to include non-rechargeable 'Alkaline' batteries in the take back program.

What you Can Do:

To address the toxic battery problem, CAW is sponsoring AB 2271 (Koretz) the Household Battery Recycling Act. You can help by urging your legislative representiatives to support the Battery Recycling Act: TAKE ACTION.

Lanh Nguyen