Oct 9 - CA City Looking to Update Recycling Policies
The city of Trinidad (Humboldt County) may be small population-wise, but hopes to make a dent when it comes to having sound recycling policies enacted within the city. Two new proposed policies to be heard at this week's city council meeting include one to recycle old tires to use as pavers. Another is to create a recycled content purchasing policy for the city. Jessie Faulkner of The Times-Standard reports.
TRINIDAD -- Councilman Chi-Wei Lin wants to include old tires in the new Senior Park, part of the complex behind the Chevron Station.Those tires, however, won't be transformed into planters or used for children's swings; they've taken on a new life as rubber pavers -- flat, 1.8-inch-thick squares and rectangles in various sizes, designed to soften the walkways for elders who will use the park.
The Councilman is seeking permission from the council at its meeting on Wednesday to submit a grant application to the California EPA Tire-Derived-Products program for funds to purchase the material.
What You Can Do:
- LEARN more about tire management from the CA Integrated Waste Management Board.
- DISCOVER you county's recycling policies.