Dec 4 - Environment a Priority for New Legislature

Today was the first day that many of us got to meet the new members of the legislature. At a legislative reception hosted by CLCV, CAW and other environmental groups, it seemed like everyone wanted to demonstrate their green credentials. Among the first days highlights:

  • Assembly Member Lori Saldana (D-San Diego) reintroduced CAW sponsored legislation to phase out the use of toxic materials in electronics. AB 48 tracks last years AB 2202, which was held in the Senate Appropriations Committee after passing the State Assembly.
  • Incoming Assembly Member Jared Huffman (D-Marin), has been appointed Chairman of the Assembly Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials Committee. Huffman is a long-time environmental leader and former staff attorney for NRDC. In an initial meeting he expressed interest in carrying e-waste related legislation.
  • Assembly Member Hector De La Torre (D-Los Angeles) met with CAW and other Environmental group leaders for nearly an hour to discuss strategies for increasing the environmental communities' legislative success this year. De La Torre, along with Assembly Member John Laird and Assembly Member Lloyd Levine played a critical role behind the scenes last session, working the assembly floor to win passage of several key CAW and environmental community bills.
Lanh Nguyen