Sep 11 - Bottle Bill Fix, Other Recycling Bills Debated in Last Day of Session
Today is the final day of the legislative session. The following recycling bills must be sent to the Governor's desk by the end of the day. Please support these bills by sending letters, or telephoning your assemblymember and state senator.
SB 402 (Wolk) - Bottle Bill Fix has been amended to take the coalition language from AB 983 (Skinner) that would save core Bottle Bill recycling funding by ending program exemptions given to "non-traditional" container types, changing the 10 cent CRV size threshold to 20 ounces from 24 ounces, and other measures. Send a Support Letter.
AB 1173 (Huffman) - Fluorescent Light Recycling would create a free and convenient program for consumers to properly dispose of residential fluorescent lights (RFL). Passed Senate Floor and back to Assembly Floor for concurrence vote.
AB 1329 (Brownley and Chesbro) would delay the abolition of the California Integrated Waste Management Board for 1 year to allow more time for developing the details of this transition.