Sep 14 - Key Waste Reduction and Recycling Bills Advance to Governor's Desk

The following bills passed out of the Legislature, and now awaits Governor Schwarzenegger's signature.

SB 402 (Wolk, Corbett, Skinner) will fix an imbalance in the Beverage Container Recycling Fund through a combination of ending the exemption given to "non-traditional" container types, lowering the threshold for the 10 cent CRV to 20 ounces from 24 ounces, and a reprioritization of program expenditures.

The bill received a 50-12 vote in the Assembly and a 22-14 vote in the Senate.

AB 1173 - Fluorescent Recycling (Huffman)- Creates a free and convenient program for consumers to properly dispose of residential fluorescent lights.

Received a 52-27 vote in the Assembly and 21-17 vote in the Senate.

AB 473 - Multi-Family (Blumenfield)- Provides a residential recycling opportunity for more than 7.1 million Californians residing in more than 2.4 million multifamily dwelling units.

Received a 52- 25 vote in the Assembly and 24-11 vote in the Senate.

AB 147 Electronic Toxics Reporting Requirement (Saldana) - Authorizes DTSC to request documentation from electronics manufacturers about the amount of hazardous materials contained in the consumer electronics they offer for sale in the State.

Received a 49-28 vote in the Assembly and 23-15 vote in the Senate.

Lanh Nguyen