Sep 25 - CPUC Approves 3mg Cap on CFLs

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has approved a 3mg mercury cap on Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) as part of the Upstream Lighting Program (ULP), a ratepayer- funded Energy Efficiency incentive program that provides prebates to lighting manufacturers to buy down the prices of these CFLs at retail. The CPUC just approved $78 million for the next 3 years for basic CFL subsidies.

The 3mg cap is a wonderful step in the right direction to reduce toxicity in the product. CFLs, while known for their energy efficiency, contains trace amounts of mercury, which is a neurotoxin.

The CPUC approved the three-year budget for Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, and Southern California Gas Company on Thursday.

CAW is currently working to promote a statewide recycling system that is free and convenient to consumers. CFLs are banned from disposal in the landfill, and there are limited recycling opportunities. AB 1173 (Huffman), which is at the governor's desk, would require manufacturers to finance and implement a CFL recycling program if they wish to participate in the Upstream Lighting Program.

Read the Press Release

Lanh Nguyen