Sep 29 - Summit to Tackle Climate Change; Recycling Bills Could Help

The Governor will be holding his second annual international climate summit in Los Angeles tomorrow. According to the Sacramento Bee, the summit will be "a precursor to United Nations talks in December to establish new worldwide emissions targets," and a great opportunity to showcase California's leadership on greenhouse gases reductions and other environmental initiatives.

Recycling is one of the most cost-effective and proven ways to reduce emissions and it will play a key role in the AB 32 effort. A recent report by the US Environmental Protection Agency found that "42 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are influenced by materials management policies," and recycling can significantly offset these emissions. (Read more about the EPA's recent study)

Policies that increase recycling (like SB 402, which awaits the Governor's signature) are a very effective way to meet California's ambitious climate goals while stimulating the economy through the development of green jobs.

Lanh Nguyen