Oct 6 - 3 Billion Plastic Beverage Bottles: Let's Do Something
Three Billion! That's how many plastic beverage bottles will be littered or landfilled in California this year. You see them in parks and on the roadsides. And when those bottles make their way into the marine environment, they pose a serious and growing threat to marine wildlife.
Now we can do something about it. Senate Bill 402 is sitting on Governor Schwarzenegger's desk and it would specifically target the more than 3 billion plastic beverage bottles that continue to be littered and landfilled every year in California. Existing law is already successfully recycling more than 6 billion plastic beverage bottles. And by closing exemption loopholes and increasing consumer recycling incentives, SB 402 will substantially increase that number, and help reduce plastic litter and waste.
But the Soft Drink Industry is urging the Governor to Veto SB 402. Local Governments, Environmental Groups and Recyclers are urging support. We've already generated hundreds of letters to the governor, but we need to counter the 'astro-turf' campaign being waged by the soft drink industry. Click here to see samples of letters to fax to Governor Schwarzenegger.
SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN: Send a generous contribution to CAW, which is leading the fight to promote recycling in California. In the next 10 days, we'll be embarking on an all out media and organizing campaign to pass these bills, and we must do all we can in the coming few weeks to convince the Governor to sign them. You can help us cover the costs of these expenditures with a generous contribution online today.