Nov 16 - Lawyers Prepare to Argue Against NYC´s E-waste Laws

The lawsuit against New York City´s new e-waste collection law continues as lawyers are preparing their oral arguments for December.

Consumer Electronics Association and Information Technology Industry Council filed the lawsuit, claiming that the law would require them to provide free door-to-door electronics collection, putting hundreds of additional trucks onto city streets, and the result would be increased traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, and carbon dioxide emissions, which contribute to global warming.

Advocates are pushing the trade groups to withdraw the lawsuit. A letter signed by about 60 state legislators, mayors and solid waste and recycling officials in states with e-waste recycling laws, was sent to the CEA and ITIC on Nov. 5th. The letter argues local governments cannot afford to cover recycling or disposal costs for all of the products sold, and that producer responsibility is necessary in the current marketplace. State officials view the lawsuit as a direct challenge to the ability of states to pass takeback laws on any product.

Read the article.

Lanh Nguyen