Jan 4 - Group Announces Initiative to Repeal AB 32
A group spearheaded by Assemblymember Dan Logue has announced that it will begin gathering signatures for a voter initiative to repeal AB 32. The initiative, if passed by voters in November, would halt the implementation of the landmark global warming legislation and undo any regulations that have already been adopted pursuant to the law. This would likely include the recently adopted landfill gas regulations and the upcoming commercial recycling rulemaking, as well as other efforts to reduce greenhouse gases through increased recycling and composting.
An article on New York Times’ environment blog, Green Inc., reports that the campaign will begin collecting signatures within a month:
"Four years after California’s Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed off on the nation’s furthest-reaching global-warming law, a campaign is heating up to keep it from taking effect.
In the latest salvo, Dan Logue, a Republican assemblyman, has announced that he will start collecting signatures next month in support of a November 2010 ballot initiative that would suspend the law until California’s unemployment rate drops below 5.5 percent."