Jan 13 - CA Regulations to Boost Recycling Revenue

The California Department of Recycling (CalRecycle), which administers the State's Bottle Bill, has adopted Emergency Regulations aimed at generating a one-time boost of up to $95 million in recycling revenue as part of a strategy to reinstate funding for core recycling programs. The regulatory change amounts to voluntary request that beverage distributors pay CRV to the state in 60 days rather than the current 90 days of a beverage sale. The change, if complied with, would effectively add a 13th monthly payment to the current fiscal year, generating an additional $60-$95 million.

Since July 2009, the Department has been forced to substantially reduce payments and grants of more than $150 million to recyclers, local governments and other recycling program stakeholders. If successful, the acceleration of CRV payments, combined with a proposed $54 million loan repayment from the state's general fund, should allow the Department to reinstate all or most suspended payments as early as March 1.

Lanh Nguyen