Mar 2 - Producer Responsiblity Legislation Introduced

Times-Standard highlights AB 2139, by Assemblymember Chesbro. AB 2139 would place primary responsibility on producers to reduce a product's lifecycle impacts, including creating products that are less toxic, easier to recycle and also take back the products at their end-of-life. This bill addresses a wide range of toxic products, including medical waste such as hypodermic needles, household pesticides, small propane tanks and other hazardous waste found around the home. Currently, local governments and taxpayers bear the burden of recycling and disposing of these problem products.

According to Kevin Hendrick, director of the Del Norte County Solid Waste Management Authority and board member of the California Product Stewardship Council:

Consumers deserve convenient, affordable options for disposing of products and leftover pesticides. Green design and a green economy must start with the businesses that produce, and profit from, these products.

Learn more about AB 2139.

Lanh Nguyen