Mar 19 - Help! We Need Your Input on Priorities for Year!

We've just updated our poll function. Let us know what your top waste priorities are!

Here are more detailed description on the issues:


  • Expanding the Bottle Bill to Include ALL Beverage Containers. CAW led the campaign to reinstate funding, re-open recycling centers and re-hire workers under the Bottle Bill. By closing loopholes and expanding the recycling law to include exempt containers, we can reduce waste and ensure program success for another 25 years.
  • Eliminating Plastic Grocery Bags. More than 16 BILLION plastic bags are discarded in California every year. Plastic bags pose an ugly and expensive litter problem for society, and a dangerous threat to our oceans and marine wildlife. AB 1998 (Brownley) would phase out single use plastic bags once and for all.
  • Phasing Out Disposable Fast Food Packaging. Single use ‘fast food’ packaging is a significant source of litter, marine pollution and waste. AB 2138 (Chesbro) would require the fast food sector to reduce packaging waste and only use those materials that are accepted for recycling or composting in the communities they serve.
  • Producer Takeback of Problem Products. CAW has helped pioneer policies requiring product makers to take responsibility for the environmental impacts and end-of-life-management of their products. This year, CAW is actively pursuing a package of legislation requiring producer takeback of ‘problem products,’ including: pesticides, paint, batteries, telephone directories, carpet, propane tanks, sharps, disposable lighters, and toxic light bulbs.



Lanh Nguyen