May 28 - Key Producer Responsibility Bills Advance out of Fiscal Committee

Share Today's the deadline to move bills from their house of origin to the floor. The following bills have passed out of fiscal committee today and now heads to an Assembly Floor vote next week.

  • AB 2139 (Chesbro) , would create producer responsibility program for the following covered products: medical sharps, pesticide, and nonrefillable propane cylinder.
  • AB 2398 (John Perez), which would create carpet producer stewardship program.
  • SB 1100 (Corbett) passed out of Senate Appropriations Committee on 5/3/2010, and has been on the Senate Floor, awaiting vote.

Unfortunately, the following bills did not pass out of Fiscal Committee:

  • AB 2176 (Blumenfield), which would have established convenient fluorescent light recycling system in California, was held in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
  • SB 1052 (Oropeza), which would have requires state agencies to adopt an electronic waste management plan and submit that plan to DTSC for approval. The bill was held in Senate Appropriations Committee.

Lanh Nguyen