Sep 21 - San Antonio Apartments Might Have to Recycle

According to the San Antonio Express-News, the San Antonio City Council is expected to discuss a new ordinance this month that would require most apartment complexes to collect recycling. It's not currently required for multifamily residences or businesses.

The Texas city figures estimates San Antonio apartment dwellers generate as much as 300 million pounds of solid waste annually, more than half of which could be recycled but isn't.

The council has adopted a goal of reaching a 60 percent recycling rate by 2020. Right now, 18 percent of residential waste is recycled. Incorporating the city's 140,000 apartment units in the recycling effort is vital to reach the 60% recycling goal.

In California, AB 737 by Assembly Member Chesbro would bring mandatory commercial recycling statewide to businesses and apartment buildings. The bill is currently at the Governor's Desk for a veto or signature.

Lanh Nguyen