Dec 30 - We need 90 supporters to become contributors!

Californians Against Waste has been the recycling and environmental community’s primary architect and advocate on waste reduction and recycling issues for more than 33 years. CAW has helped develop, advocate, negotiate and enact dozens of successful recycling policies and programs.

As a result of these efforts, California has in place a thoughtful framework of policies and a materials collection infrastructure that has succeeded in achieving a number of nation-leading milestones: recycling has increased from less than 10% two decades ago to better than 60%; most households now have curbside recycling; we lead the nation in product-specific, market-based recycling policies; and we’ve created tens of thousands of good green jobs.

We know that 2011 is going to be a critical year for waste prevention and recycling policies. That's why it is essential that we enter the year fully staffed. As I previously wrote you, we began this month with a roughly $35,000 fundraising shortfall for the year. I’m pleased to report that several hundred supporters have responded to our call and lowered that gap to less than $9000.

I’m hoping that we can count on you to join them and click here to make a tax-deductible year-end contribution to support our work.

While most Californians do their part to recycle, our state continues to dispose of more than 35 million tons of material. More than 6 million tons of recyclable paper. More than 2 million tons of recyclable glass and metal. And more than 1 million tons of recyclable plastic. Most troubling:

California is landfilling a staggering 6 million tons of food as well as more than 350,000 tons of toxic waste and hazardous household chemicals.

Building on our 33-year track record of enacting policies that benefit the environment and the economy, we’ve put together a comprehensive legislative package to both conserve resources and grow green jobs. Here are some of the highlights:

With a new year, a new Governor, and a proven record of success, Californians Against Waste will be working to enact this comprehensive package of conservation and recycling laws.

But we need your help.

Remember how they killed the plastic bag ban? We were on the verge of enacting the nation’s first ban on disposable plastic grocery bags. But out-of-state plastic bag and chemical producers spent $2 million dollars on lobbyists and misleading TV ads and killed the bill on the last night of the legislative session. We can’t let that happen again.

CAW has proven many times over our 33-year history that we can overcome special interests and their millions of lobbying dollars and campaign contributions. We do it the old-fashioned way: by organizing grassroots support from members like you all over

California .

We need your support today to get this historic recycling plan through the Legislature and on to the governor.

Your tax deductible year-end gift to CAW Foundation will give us the resources needed to organize grassroots support and keep the pressure on the Legislature and the Governor to achieve our objectives and stop the assault on green initiatives.

Thank you for being a friend of the environment. We truly appreciate your support, and on behalf of our staff and Board of Directors, we wish you a very happy holiday season and a joyous and healthy New Year.



Mark Murray
Executive Director

Contribute online by credit card, or mail a check payable to:

Californians Against Waste Foundation
921 11th Street, Suite 420
Sacramento, CA 95814


Lanh Nguyen