Jan 5 - Laird Appointed as Resources Secretary


Governor Jerry Brown today has appointed former Assembly Member John Laird as California's Natural Resources Secretary. The Natural Resources Agency is responsible for protecting historical, natural and cultural sites, monitoring and controlling state lands and waterways, and regulating fish and game use. The Resources Agency also overseas the Department of Resource Recovery and Recycling (CalRecycle). Secretary Laird will serve as a member of the Governor's Cabinet.

"John has demonstrated himself to be an effective and pragmatic leader in several key areas, including the Budget and Environment," said CAW Executive Director Mark Murray. "He's passionate about the environment, with a track record of reaching across the aisle to build consensus to protect parks and open space."

Laird has served the public for more than thirty-five years, including twenty-three years as an elected official. He has been Santa Cruz City Council Member, Mayor and in 2002, he was elected as Assembly Member, representing the 27th Assembly District. He was also a member of the State Integrated Waste Management Board, where he was a champion for waste reduction and recycling.

Lanh Nguyen