Jan 17 - Salinas Valley looks to Reduce Landfills by 75% with Conversion Technology

This Thursday, January 20th, the Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority will vote on whether or not to implement a "conversion technology strategy" in order to reduce the amount of waste entering the Johnson Canyon Landfill (currently burying more than 600 tons of gargbage each day).

The main conversion process being discussed is gasification, or in other words, an incineration process which heats solid waste to temperatures known to produce dioxins. Although CAW also supports the idea of reducing landfill waste, processes such as gasification pose controversial public health risks, as well as unknown environmental impacts. More information on CAW's stance on conversion technologies can be found here.

If the Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority were to approve the use of gasification on thursday, this would initiate the largest scale project of its' kind in California.

Click here to read the full article.

Lanh Nguyen