Apr 12 - Battery Life Cycle Analysis Shows Need for Recycling

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the battery manufacturers association, has released their life cycle analysis which confirms that collecting and recycling alkaline household batteries is preferred to landfilling. The benefit for recycling includes toxic reduction and resource conservation. The report was conducted by MIT and can be accessed here.

Batteries are such a common part of our everyday lives that we don't realize how quickly we can accumulate them. Batteries contain cadmium, lead, potassium hydroxide, and a host of other toxic constituents that can cause irreparable reproductive disorders as well as kidney, liver and neurological dysfunctions.

CAW has continuously supported extended producer responsibility bills. This year, SB 515 by Senator Corbett would establish a producer responsibilty program for household batteries, including rechargable and nonrechargeable.

Lanh Nguyen